From killing houseplants to pollinating them - a memoir.

We are a medical student and emergency medicine resident duo. Our love of plants began with a small ZZ plant that we watched thrive over the course of two years. Once the COVID pandemic hit, we found ourselves seeking refuge from the chaos of our jobs in caring for our modest little plant collection. 5 plants grew to 20 and soon our plant tally was over 100.

Wanting to share our love of plants with others, we came up with the idea of starting a small plant business. The focus of our business is to create, cultivate, and produce quality plants at an affordable price. Our goal is that no one be priced out of being able to enjoy the often joyous (occasionally frustrating) journey of creating their own dream plant collection.

Our plant offerings will be mostly aroids. We intend to offer cuttings/propagations from our own collection, as well as creations of our own experiments with anthurium crossbreeding. Something particularly exciting and unique about our shop is that all of these hybrids are being grown from seed in an indoor environment with low humidity and ambient indoor temperatures. These plants won’t be nursery or greenhouse grown. Our goal is to create plants that can be quickly acclimated to any indoor environment. The perfect, low fuss, non-dramatic anthuriums. Join us in our experimentation!

Meet the Team

  • Bennet Drake "Boo Boo"

    Resident cuddler, nightcrawler, pest control

  • Lady Sybil "Sibby"

    Bad bitch, queen of plants, collection curator

  • Nasty Mindy

    Dirty hoe, customer support